‘Story of India’ curated the finest in Indian fashion and represents the pinnacle of modern luxury and service. It is a store where Boutiques, Accessories and essentials available under one roof. Founded by Sapna Patel, ‘Story of India’ has become a leading fashion destination in Ahmedabad. Now we are also at State of Unity, Kevadia at Hotel BRG. Moreover Various Tourists Products and Memorable Memento available in this store.
We envision bringing Indian craftsmanship to the forefront of global retail, and are committed to delivering an extraordinary fashion experience. Our boutiques carry the latest creations by India’s most prominent and acclaimed brands including – Pero, Eka, Tokree, Shorsee, Lajjoo C, Kaveri, Urvashi Kaur, Ulupi, Love Birds, Cord, Plavate, etc. As a pioneer in fashion industry, our philosophy is culmination of good aesthetics, eclectic styling, great client servicing and hosting “occasion wear” — a must in a country that is always celebrating!